by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Tags: Lady Gaga

Watch: Boris Johnson reveals surprise love for Lady Gaga

London Mayor names 'Poker Face' as favourite hit


Watch: Boris Johnson reveals surprise love for Lady Gaga


Boris Johnson has revealed himself as a fan of Lady Gaga, as she is rumoured to be performing at this weekend's Paralympics Closing Ceremony.

When the London Mayor was asked if he was looking forward to Gaga’s appearance at the London 2012 Paralympic Games on September 9th, Boris proclaimed that he is in fact a huge admirer of the controversial songstress. 

"I’ve been a fan of the noble and earnest Lady the baroness Gaga as she’s properly known, ever since I really became conscious of her," he told ITN in an interview. "This was admittedly long after everybody else had, but I think she’s fantastic yes."

ITN asked the Major what his favourite song of hers was, and he took a little while to think of one. When prompted he then remembered that he preferred ‘Poker Face’ to ‘Bad Romance’. 
Watch the clip below: 


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