by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Bestival

Bestival police will 'never tolerate' illegal drugs

Police issue stern warning ahead of weekend event to festival goers heading to the Isle Of Wight


Bestival police will 'never tolerate' illegal drugs


The Isle Of Wight police force have warned festival goers ahead of this weekend's Bestival that they will employ strict measures to keep the event drug free.

Hampshire constabulary have issued a statement revealing their intentions of keeping the event 'relaxed' and 'family friendly'.

"Illegal drugs are never tolerated at Island festivals, which have a relaxed, family-friendly reputation with low levels of crime," says event planning inspector Paul Savill. "Police aim to protect people from the dangers of drugs at festivals on the Isle of Wight.

"Experienced specialist officers and drugs dogs are on duty again at entrances to the event as part of a dedicated police operation agreed in advance with Bestival promoters. Officers have the right to search anyone suspected of being in possession of drugs."

Savill also warns revellers of the dangers of so-called legal highs, and warns against the potentially fatal consequences of taking the substances.

"Legal does not mean safe. Do not experiment by taking a substance when you cannot be sure of its contents. The effects are unpredictable, dangerous, and possibly fatal," he adds. "Some people think that legal highs will help them enjoy the weekend even more, but the consequences for your health, life and loved ones could prove devastating."

Voluntary breathalyser tests will be available to drivers wishing to check their alcohol levels before leaving the Bestival site.

Below: ten must-see bands and artists at Bestival 2012


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