by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Beady Eye

Liam Gallagher calls Russell Brand a 'd*ck' after dating Geri Halliwell

This is not Liam's most rock and roll moment


Liam Gallagher calls Russell Brand a 'd*ck' after dating Geri Halliwell


Liam Gallagher has hit out at celebrity funnyman Russell Brand, claiming he is 'a d*ck' after dating Geri Halliwell - who he is something of a close friend with.

The star has revealed that he and Geri often meet on Hampstead Heath while walking their pets, and spoken relatively highly of The Spice Girls following his night partying with the girlgroup after the Olympics closing ceremony.

"We've both got small dogs so we meet on Hampstead Heath sometimes," he tells the Daily Star. "The Spice Girls were a lot better on the booze than I thought after the Olympics. They're not bad for old dears."

"They'll never outlast me though, no one will. I'm not saying I'm a God, but I'm not far off."

He also adds that does think much of Halliwell's taste in men, in particular Russel Brand.

"Russell's a d**k. I don't really care about any of his relationships. All I know is anyone can do better than go out with him," he said.

Liam also revealed that he was hoping for a night out with Prince Harry, revealing admiration for the young Royal after seeing his naked Las Vegas photos.

Below: the best ever Gallagher brother quotes and insults


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