by Michael Baggs

Tags: Kanye West

Kanye West pulls out of MTV VMAs to be with Kim Kardashian

Star to attend perfume promotion in New York


Kanye West pulls out of MTV VMAs to be with Kim Kardashian


Kanye West will not be attending tonight's MTV VMA awards - because he is unable to attend with girlfriend Kim Kardashian.

Kardashian first chose not to go to the awards as she will be promoting her new perfume True Reflection in New York while the show takes place in LA. Now, Kanye has pulled out of the event to stay by his girlfriend's side.

"Kim's in New York for her fragrance launch and Kanye didn't want to go to the VMAs if she couldn't be there," says a source for the couple to The Daily Mail online.

The pair had earlier appeared in a promotional video for the event alongside event host Kevin Hart. Hart had also joked that MTV would be taking precautions to prevent West ruining the show - as he did in 2009 when he leapt on stage to tell the world that Taylor Swift was not a deserving winner of her award.

"What we did this year was we banned the artists who could embarrass themselves," joked Hart. "With Kanye we've got a seatbelt for his seat that he can't get out of, little things that they never thought of in the past to make sure it all goes ok this year."

It looks like that seatbelt won't be needed after all...

Below: did Kim Kardashian kill Kanye West's cool?


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