by David Renshaw | Photos by wenn

Tags: Professor Green

Professor Green 'tested for cancer' following lump removal

Rapper informs his Twitter followers direct from hospital


Professor Green 'tested for cancer' following lump removal

Photo: wenn

Professor Green has informed his fans that he is waiting to hear back from doctors after having a lump removed from his head tested for cancer.

The 'Read All About It' rapper, famed for his open and honest approach to life, kept his Twitter followers in the loop as he underwent the removal of a 5mm x 5mm lump from his head yesterday (Sept 7).

"Got the pre anaesthetic on my head so the injection doesn't hurt as much apparently... We'll see," he tweeted to his 1.3m followers.

Adding: "Yawn. Can we get this thing out of my head already? Now all I can hope is it isn't cancerous. Won't know until Thursday :("

Green recently hit the headlines when he made innapropriate jokes about Bulimia and attacking his own record label for failing to promote his new album as much as he'd like. The London born rapper also stood up for Cher Lloyd after she was bottled off stage at V Festival in August.

Professor Green performs live In Manchester


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