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Tags: Muse

Muse call $3.5m lawsuit 'complete nonsense'

Bad hit back at Charles Bolfrass' claim song 'Exogenesis' was stolen from him


Muse call $3.5m lawsuit 'complete nonsense'


Muse have hit back at their claim they stole their song 'Exogenesis' from an unknown rock-opera in 2009.

The band, whose record label Warners was hit with the suit last week, have called the case 'complete nonsense' in a statement released last night (Sept 11).

Speaking about Charles Bolfrass' claims, Muse state: "The claim is complete nonsense, and is categorically denied.  It appears to be based on a 'screenplay' which the band never received or saw, produced by someone the band has never heard of.  It speaks volumes that the album in question was released a full 3 years ago, and yet this is the first that has been heard of these groundless allegations".
The tracks under scrutiny are ‘Exogenesis I’, ‘Exogenesis II’ and ‘Exogenesis III’, all of which are from Muse’s 2009 album The Resistance.   

Bolfrass claims that he had contacted the band along with two others back in 2005, with the idea to write a futuristic rock type opera concerning space travel, and Armageddon like ideas.  He claims that the ideas he had put forward were also titled ‘Exogenesis'. The lawsuit was filed in a federal court in Manhattan last week according to Courthouse News. Bolfrass also claims that Muse had rejected his ideas, but then still went ahead and passed his work and ideas of as their own four years later.

The Devon trio have also been accused of copying the entire image and cover art of The Resistance from Balfrass’s storyboards of his rock opera. Warner Music is being sued for copyright infringement, unfair trade practises and unfair competition. 

Watch Muse's new single 'Madness' below

Below: 20 facts about Muse's Origin Of Symmetry album


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