by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: One Direction, Guns N Roses

What would be the worst job in the music industry?

Boybands' crusty pants, waiting for a new GNR album...


What would be the worst job in the music industry?


The music industry might seem like a glamourous place to work - and yes, if you're Simon Cowell it probably is, but there's a pretty grim side to working in the music world, and we're going to expose it!

For every invite to The BRIT Awards, there's a pair of crusty One Direction pants to be washed. For every platinum disc with your name on it, there's a poor old dear rummaging around under Pete Doherty's bed with a feather duster. There's a lot of people with very rubbish jobs to do in music.

Check out the jobs you might just want to stick to the supermarket checkout for...


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