by Michael Baggs

Tags: Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams 'feels sorry' for Harry Styles

'Candy' star sees similarities between One Direction star and himself during Take That early days


Robbie Williams 'feels sorry' for Harry Styles


Robbie Williams has revealed he feels sympathy for One Direction star Harry Styles, and sees similarities between the youngster and himself in the early days of Take That.

Williams, who is prepping his solo comeback after recently premiering his new video 'Candy', says he feels for the star because he cannot misbehave without his every action being splashed across the tabloids.

"I feel a bit for Harry,” Robbie tells The Sun newspaper. "At his age I was in this lilywhite boyband, Take That. But I was meeting up with mates, jumping out of the tour bus and into a Transit van at motorway service stations all around the country.

"It’s not a secret any more but I would get off my face and have complete anonymity. No one had a camera phone so I could go and enjoy myself properly. Harry is finding out it’s not so easy for him."

However, while he feels for Harry, Robbie seems uncertain of One Direction as a band, saying they lacking chemistry when they perform together.

"One Direction, God bless them, I love them to bits, they’ve a great energy and great vibe," he added. "But they always perform like they’ve never met each other — like frantic, looking around to see where they go next. They look like I feel in my head."

Watch Robbie's 'Candy' video below.

Below: Robbie Williams shoots 'Candy' video in East London


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