by Catherine Elliott | Photos by Soundgarden

Tags: Soundgarden

Soundgarden unveil trailer and artwork for new album: watch

Visuals and artwork released to accompany upcoming album 'King Animal'


Soundgarden unveil trailer and artwork for new album: watch

Photo: Soundgarden

American grunge legends Soundgarden have released a trailer for their comeback album 'King Animal', which you can watch below. 

The album will be the first release from the band since 1996, and will be released 12 November, 2012.
The short shows a snow covered mountain side, with a rocky guitar riff going in the background. The snow then eerily melts to reveal each of the band member's faces on the side of the mountain, the trailer finishes with the album artwork.
Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan has previously criticised Soundgarden's comeback, and their motives for reforming.  

Speaking to, Corgan said angrily: “When Soundgarden came back and they just played their old songs, great. I was a fan of Soundgarden, but call it for what it is. They’re just out there to have one more round at the till; same with Pavement and these other bands.” 
When it was put to him that Smashing Pumpkins perhaps trade on the same brand of nostalgia as Soundgarden and Pavement, Corgan replied: “You have to make music for 2012.” Adding: “Without the young fans there is no future for Smashing Pumpkins. We can’t run an oldies business. Not only is it boring, it’s actually not a very good business.”

Watch the trailer for King Animal below:


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