by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams 'rockin' afer birth of first child, Theodora Rose

Star's wife Ayda Field gives birth to girl


Robbie Williams 'rockin' afer birth of first child, Theodora Rose


Take That star Robbie Williams has announced that he has become a father for the first time as his wife has given birth.

The singer, who is making a return to his solo career with new single 'Candy', revealed the news on Twitter, telling followers he, wife Ayda Field and newborn daugher were 'rockin' after the birth.

"Praise be, it's Theodora Rose Williams, affectionately known as Teddy... Born 3.33pm on 18.9.12, 7lbs 4oz," he tweeted.

"Baby, Mummy and Daddy are all rockin...Thank you for your best wishes."

Gary Barlow sent a message of congratulations to Robbie, tweeting: "Massive congrats Rob and Ayda. So happy for you."

Barlow recently suffered a family tragedy when his fourth baby Poppy was born stillborn.

Speaking of his plans for fatherhood to the BBC before the birth, Williams said: I don't want to educate our baby in LA because I would much prefer her to have English sensibilities.

"I want the baby to have an English passport, we're still figuring out exactly whereabouts the baby is going to be brought up.

Watch Robbie Williams' new video 'Candy' below.

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