by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Tags: Lady Gaga

Drug confessions: which stars have done what?

As Lady Gaga star smokes spliff on stage, read confessions from Lily Allen, Elton John and more...


Drug confessions: which stars have done what?


Lady Gaga is never happier than when she is being controversial, and has this week made headlines by sparking up and smoking a huge joint on stage in Amsterdam. Watch the video here.

But which other music stars have publically admitted to using drugs? The question should actually be, who hasn't? After all, drugs go hand in hand with rock and roll - along with a little sex, of course.

Whether it's for 'creative purposes' or excess on tour, Gigwise has compiled a list of artists who have publically admitted to using drugs. Warning: some of these may surprise you (Army sweetheart and opera pin-up Katherine Jenkins) or, underwhelm you (Lil' Wayne - painkiller addiction?). Read on to find out more...


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