by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga threatened with faeces and paint after burqa costume

Fears that star will be targeted by religious groups


Lady Gaga threatened with faeces and paint after burqa costume


Lady Gaga's security team are said to be tightening the star's security after her burqa and raccoon tail outfit at London Fashion Week caused offence among religious groups.

The star arrived at the show wearing a burqa covered in raccoon tails - although she has not confirmed or denied whether they were real fur.

"That comes across as a clear insult to Muslims and Islam," said a Chicago-based representative of a number of Muslim groups to the Chicago Sun Times. The spokesman did not want to be identified. Rumours suggest Lady Gaga's security has been increased since she wore the outfit, in case of retaliation from relgious extremists.

The newspaper also claims activists are planning to throw paint or faeces at the star.

“I’m hearing they are going to try and personally attack Gaga — spraying her with paint or even throwing faeces at her,” says a source for PETA activists to the US newspaper.

The once anti-fur star shocked with her fondness for animal skins, having previously been seen wearing fur while on tour in Bulgaria. When she was previously spotted wearing fur, Animal rights group PETA compared her a 'mindless Kim Kardashian' before Gaga later attempted to defend her choice to dress in animal skin.

"You see a carcass, I see a museum pièce de résistance," she wrote in an official statement on her choice to wear fur.

She added: "But I am truly sorry to fans who are upset by this, its a fair and applaudable feeling about the health and safety of animals. I respect your views, please respect mine."

Gaga published the open letter online to confirm her new stance on the issue, which seems to go back on her 2009 comment to Ellen DeGeneres on US TV that: "I hate fur and I don't wear fur."

Below: Lady Gaga's 'offensive' Fashion Week outfit


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