No more bleached hair, baggy clothes - could Lady Gaga be pregnant? Rock and roll offspring Kelly Osbourne reckons so, claiming the star is expecting her first child.
Lady Gaga has reverted to a more natural blonde colour of late and was recently seen wearing a burqa to London Fashion Week, which Osbourne claims are sure signs of a pregnancy.
"I think she is pregnant because she has been covering up this part of her body recently and I have been noticing that a lot," she told Alan Carr on his TV chat show. "And her style has changed and you can’t bleach your hair blonde when you are pregnant."
But while she may have changed her hair and clothes, the giant spliff she was seen smoking in Amsterdam this week doesn't exactly suggest a healthier lifestyle.
A video emerged of the star smoking a spliff while on the European leg of her world tour.
She later spoke openly to fans about her use of cannabis, saying: "I thought that in Holland it would be an appropriate place to discuss my current openness about being a cannabis smoker because I have decided that I want you to know the truth, which is that it has totally changed my life and that I've really cut down on drinking.
"It's, like, been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music."
Watch Lady Gaga smoking a spliff below.