by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin star: 'Mumford & Sons excite me'

Robert Plant speaks of love for Babel band as rockers launch new concert movie


Led Zeppelin star: 'Mumford & Sons excite me'


Led Zeppelin star Robert Plant has named Mumford & Sons as the current band that excites him most during a rare reunion to launch new concert film, Celebration Day'.

During the Q&A session, the band refused to confirm whether there were plans for the band to fully reform for live shows or new music, Plant refused to make any statement, telling the audience, "That would be kiss and tell." He also refused to comment on the amount of money the band had been offered to reform. He was, however, happy to speak of support for Mumford & Sons.

"Mumford and Sons excite me, because they do have drama and they do have optimism, and they turn a crowd upside down," he told the room.

The Celebration Day film documents the band's 2007 show at London's O2 Arena, marking five years since the band's legendary performance. The film will screen in cinemas from 17 October, 2012 before being released on DVD on 19 November. A deluxe edition will include extra content including BBC news footage and band rehearsals.


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