by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Stevie Wonder blackmail couple freed from jail

Alpha Walker and Tamara Diaz reached a plea with the courts


Stevie Wonder blackmail couple freed from jail


A couple who were jailed for attempting to blackmail Stevie Wonder have been freed from jail after reaching a plea with the courts.

Alpha Walker and Tamara Diaz had filmed and tried to sell a video that showed Stevie Wonder in 'a negative light', they then tried to blackmail the 'Superstition' singer into paying them $5 million for the tape.  
They were originally sentenced to 292 days in prison and three years probation according to Rolling Stone, but they have already served enough time in the run up to the trial. 
They have been ordered to steer clear of the soul legend for the entirety of their probation sentence. Walker has also been ordered to attend mental health counselling and Diaz must attend Narcotics Anonymous.

Stevie Wonder spectacularly closed this years Bestival at the Isle of Wight festival.  

The Bestival headliner recently casted doubt on Frank Ocean's much-talked about sexuality, saying the Channel Orange star is just is probably just 'confused'. He later apologised and claimed he had been 'misunderstood'.  

 Below: view photographs of the final day of Bestival 2012. 



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