by David Renshaw | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

Homeless X Factor hopeful 'denied food, shelter' by show bosses

Robbie Hance says producers wouldn't help him


Homeless X Factor hopeful 'denied food, shelter' by show bosses


X Factor hopeful Robbie Hance, who hit the headlines as being the first homeless man ever to audition for the ITV show, has claimed that the show refused to help him in any way during his audition process.

Hance, who wowed judges with his first audition when he performed a Damien Rice song, failed to make it to the Judges Houses stage of the show after walking out on his audition. However, speaking to The Sun, the singer says he should have had more help from the X Factor team in the lead up to his performances.

“I was freezing cold and malnourished, Robbie told the paper. "I had been sleeping in parks and building sites and living on half a sandwich a day from one of the charity centres. "

Adding: “I asked for £15 but I’d have taken anything for food. But my key worker — assigned before my first filmed audition — told me she couldn’t help because it wouldn’t be fair on the other contestants on the show.

“She said it would be favouritism. So I told her: ‘If you don’t help me now, I won’t make it to boot camp in Liverpool — I’ll be dead.’ The answer was still no. Every single time I asked for help the answer was the same, so I stopped asking.”

Robbie went on in the interview to claim that 'voices in his head' made him forget his lyrics and walk out on the show whilst he has has struggled to find work since becoming famous on the programme.


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