by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Video: Gene Simmons' daughter wows at US X Factor audition

Kiss rocker watches from backstage


Video: Gene Simmons' daughter wows at US X Factor audition


Kiss rocker Gene Simmons may not be the only star in the household, after daughter Sophie successfully auditioned for US X Factor. Watch her audition below.

Sophie Simmons introduced herself as a student and wannabe singer, but her rock's royalty dad gave her away, as Simmons and his wife watched their daughters audition from backstage.

Sophie Simmons told the judges, "They didn't know I was doing this until yesterday and they're pretty upset with me. I want to prove to myself that I have talent,"

The youngster took on Bob Dylan's 'Make You Feel My Love', and received a fairly warm reception from the crowd. Her performance impressed judges Simon Cowell, Britney Spears and Demi Lovato who all gave the singer a 'yes', and a pass to the next round of the competition. Only LA Reid gave the wannabe a no.

Below: Watch Sophie Simmons' audition


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