by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber

Professional pukers: stars who have thrown up on stage

Bieber and more stars vomiting at gigs


Professional pukers: stars who have thrown up on stage


Poor old Justin Bieber was violently ill over the weekend - and unfortunately for him, it happened during a live performance in Glendale, Arizona during a show on Saturday night (29 September, 2012).

The singer is seen being led down a set of stairs by a pair of dancers before he walks to the front of the stage. He then proceeds to turn his back to the audience and bend over for several seconds before throwing up on the floor. His vocals continue as he is seen vomiting on the floor.

Bieber later blamed the incident on something he had drunk before the show, tweeting: "And .... Milk was a bad choice! Lol"

Vomiting  on stage is nothing new, whether it's the rock n' roll lifestyle, nerves or "Milk" (hmmm) Giwise thought it would be nice to kick-start to the week to collate a gallery of other stars who've publically chucked up...Enjoy :)






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