by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

Carolynne Poole apologises to fans for 'letting them down'

X Factor fix claims after dramatic first live show


Carolynne Poole apologises to fans for 'letting them down'


X Factor finalist Carolynne Poole apologised to her fans for letting them down after she became the first act voted off this year's X Factor on the weekend's live final.

The singer took to Twitter to post the short, but emotional message after a controversial start to the 2012 X Factor live finals. The country and western singer had spoken of her nerves online before the results of the public vote were revealed, later posting after she became the first act kicked off the show.

"Sorry for letting u all down x," she told her 83,500 followers online.

Poole's elimnation has thrown The X Factor into the headlines after her mentor Gary Barlow stormed off stage after she was voted off the show. The show was also caught up in a, now traditional, fix-scandal after a producer was seen whispering to Louis Walsh during Poole's performance on the show. Louis Walsh was the only judge unwilling to cast a definite vote on the show's result, sending Poole and rival Rylan Clark to deadlock. Poole received fewer votes and left the show.

Speaking on The Xtra Factor after the show, Barlow spoke of his disappointment at the show's result.

"Absolute joke. I'm so gutted for Carolynne, that was the most unbelievable thing. Two years running you've lost out to joke acts.

"Why send it to Deadlock? It's ridiculous.

"We always try to judge it on the last performance, how can you compare those performances?"

Sixteen-year-old Ella Henderseon, mentored by Tulisa, is currently favourite to win this year's show.


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