by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

X Factor fix? We count down this year's top X Factor rumours

Ella's romance, Gary's revenge and many more


X Factor fix? We count down this year's top X Factor rumours


The vast majority of Sunday night's X Factor viewers believe that the elimination of Carolynne was a fix. The show saw Rylan Clarke and Carolynne Poole perform against each other in a sing-off to fight for their place.

It was then taken to deadlock when Judge Louis couldn't decide who to pick - but the choice was obvious. The plot thickened when a producer was spotted whispering into Louis's ear whilst he was hesitating on his decision on who to choose.  

The choice was between 'character' Rylan  (who can barely hold a note but is good 'entertainment value') or Carolynne, who was one of the strongest (albeit boring) singers in the competition..

Every year the X factor acts as a tabloid filling machine - churning out rumour after rumour and speculation after speculation. This year has been no different.

We count down the top 10 juiciest rumours from this year’s X Factor. Get ready for revenge, romance and downright idiocy...


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