by Catherine Elliott | Photos by

Tags: The Beatles

The Beatles penis painting defaced at Liverpool exhibition

Visitors ruin artwork set for charity auction


The Beatles penis painting defaced at Liverpool exhibition


A piece of art that depicted the penises of John, Paul, George and Ringo of The Beatles has been defaced by unknown visitors whilst on display at an exhibition in Liverpool. 

Click Liverpool reports that the piece titled 'The Beatles In America' was created by the artist Jonathan Gent who had donated it to an exhibition called Liverpool Love. The piece, along with others from the exhibtion were to be auctioned, with all proceeds going to the children's charity Claire House.

"The damage is all the more regrettable because along with other works in the exhibition the painting is due to be auctioned to raise funds for children's charity Claire House," said a spokesperson for the gallery. "The decision as to whether the work will be displayed again, and included in the auction, is now dependent on what can be done to return the work to its original condition."

The penises were painted in oil paint, and were labelled as to who member belonged to whom. The unknown visitors smudged and ruined the painting and specialists are currently assessing the damage. 

Below: Previously unseen Beatles shots from their Magaical Mystery tour 




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