by Ryan Crittenden | Photos by

Tags: Madonna

Madonna dedicates LA performance to child activist shot in Pakistan

Madge pledges support to Malala Yousafzai


Madonna dedicates LA performance to child activist shot in Pakistan


Madonna has dedicated one the songs performed at her LA gig on Wednesday night (10th October) to Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani child activist shot in the head and neck on Tuesday by a masked member of the Taliban.

The show at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles was part of the 54 year-olds MDNA tour and before the singer played ‘Human Nature she told the 18,000 strong audience: "This made me cry. The 14-year-old schoolgirl who wrote a blog about going to school. The Taliban stopped her bus and shot her.”

Madonna then added: “Do you realize how sick that is?" "Support education! Support women!" To the crowd's cheers of approval.

Later in the show, Madonna performed a striptease, during which she turned her back to the crowd to reveal the name "Malala" stencilled across the lower part of her back.

14 year-old Malala Yousafzai remains unconscious in a hospital since the shooting.

Below: Madonna dresses as Pussy Riot AND bares her bum


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