by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Kiss

Gene Simmons: 'Barack Obama is a 'p*ss-poor President'

Kiss star siding with Mitt Romney


Gene Simmons: 'Barack Obama is a 'p*ss-poor President'

Photo: WENN

Gene Simmons is the latest rock star to weigh in on the current US Presidential election - and he's definitely not an Obama fan.

The Kiss bassist has never been shy about sharing his opinion, and didn't hesitate to share his political views in a recent interview. Simmons slammed President Obama, despite admitting that he did vote for him in the 2008 Presidential election.

However, Simmons left no doubt that he would not be voting for Obama this year - believing that Republican candidate Mitt Romney would make a better president.

He told Noisecreep: "The country is so divided. I voted for President Obama last time but I have to say I'm very disappointed in his job.

"He's been a piss-poor president as far as I'm concerned." 

Gene Simmons: quite a shy and retiring type, really... 

While Simmons admits that he doesn't necessarily agree with Romney on all issues, he does think that Romney comes out ahead in comparisons with Obama.

He added: I will tell you that [Romney's] much more qualified. He's a businessman, he ran the Olympics. …He knows how to create jobs.

"President Obama is a wonderful family man. And that’s about where the résumé stops."

This isn't the first time that Simmons has aired some controversial opinions - he labelled Rihanna 'fake bulls**t' earlier this year, and Kiss were dropped from a Michael Jackson tribute in 2011 after Simmons made comments about the star the previous year.

Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine also criticized Obama yesterday but, unlike Simmons, he had no love for Romney either.
Watch Gene Simmons' daughter appear on The X Factor below:


Photos: musicians likely to vote Republican in 2012 US elections


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