by Ryan Crittenden | Photos by

Tags: Madonna

Madonna daughter Lourdes gets job - folding her mum's pants

Youngster found an interesting summer job


Madonna daughter Lourdes gets job - folding her mum's pants


Madonna's teenage daughter Lourdes spent her summer holidays on tour with her mother but not content with going along for the ride, she was actually working as an assistant in the wardrobe department.

Madge's MDNA tour went global this summer so the 54 year-old took her daughter on to join the team. The tour included a controversial stop in Russia, where Madonna has today found herself in legal trouble, after being accused of encouraging youngsters to have gay sex.

Lourdes has revealed in her blog that wasn't given special treatment though, telling her readers "I thought I would tell you all about the joys of folding underwear."

The 16 year old went on to say "As you probably know this woman I like to call my mother went on tour for her MDNA album. As a summer job I decided to work in the wardrobe department."

A glimpse of what Lourdes had to fold...

Lourdes said she it was a great experience and a lot of fun, adding: "Being in the wardrobe department meant me and a few other girls dressed the dancers during the show when they had quick changes. Thirty seconds to totally dress a sweaty dancer can be insane and provoke mucho anxiety. Doing this night after night was pretty cray, but I loved every minute of it."

It also looked like the teen would relish the chance to do it all again, saying "It's really a great experience to be able to work on a large production, travelling around like a family, setting up for an amazing show and all having the same purpose. To be able to be a part of such an inspiring production was one of my best summers so far."

Watch more Madonna underwear action as she flashes her breast live on stage

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