by Gigwise | Photos by Take That

Tags: Gary Barlow

Photos Gary Barlow wants to forget? The naked days to now

Nude jelly fights, chubby years and X Factor judge


Photos Gary Barlow wants to forget? The naked days to now

Photo: Take That

Tickets for Gary Barlow's November and December tour went on sale this morning - to huge demand from fans - but he hasn't always been the high demand popstar and reality show judge we see today... Oh no.

Of course, there's no rival for the power of the X Factor - especially when combined with the star power of Barlow and his Take That hits. Barlow's had a busy year so far, He was made an OBE this summer, and helped organise the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

And next year looks set to be just as packed, as he has previously told Radio 1 that he hopes for Take That to release a new album with an accompanying UK stadium tour.

But of course - it's not always been smart suits, hanging out with the Queen and selling out huge UK venues. Who can forget the early Take That videos, the 'chubby' years and of course, the flop solo career (first time around).

Check out the photos Gary Barlow would probably rather forget, as well look at the singer's progress from rolling around naked with Robbie Williams to suited and booted on The X Factor - and on the arm of the Queen...


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