by Mark Perlaki | Photos by

Tags: Grizzly Bear

Grizzly Bear @ The Sage, Gateshead, 17/10/2012

'Choose thy venue with care, and tweet about your fans with discretion'


Grizzly Bear @ The Sage, Gateshead, 17/10/2012


Kicking off their European tour on Wednesday evening saw Grizzly Bear take to The Sage, Gateshead, a venue they last played on the Veckatimest tour.

It was a stunning performance, tight and slick that built on the sonic muscle of 'Shields', the band seemingly enjoying a good rapport with the audience, with Chris Taylor joking about if any of the audience have a father who was in Lindisfarne then they can join the band. Ed Droste further taunts how Newcastle is normally renowned for politeness, which draws heckles and "fuck you's". It's all good-natured and the set rakes through 'Shields' before trawling through the harmony-rich 'Veckatimest'. Sonically, it's a feast - post-rock, pop, barbershop harmonies, retro 50's dancehall with modulated clarinet, splintered chords, chopped bass lines. Taylor further elaborates on the last Sage date, and how food-poisoning put paid to an encore. This time, in generous spirit, we're treated to two numbers, 'Foreground' and 'The Knife'.

Post-show, in the spirit of honesty, the band spill on Twitter how the audience was "boring", "zombies", and were quiet. Not loud would be true to say. The Sage have a token standing section, plush seating, and a zero alcohol in the hall policy. Something the band will well know. Last tour was church-service quiet and reverent, as though the band fostered attentive listening rather than noise, Yet, Ed Droste tweeted on Wednesday "FYI: we like it when people cheer between songs, during songs, yell shit, whatever. Please don't be overly attentive for us. Thnx".

When do you slight an audience? When they've given little back in terms of energy or appreciation? Fair do's! Semiotically, an audience response is weighed against different continents, a different demographic, a different city, and indeed, crucially, the venue that plays host to an artist. It seemed to be borne out of a frustration with the differences between Stateside and European audiences - Grizzly tweeted earlier in the day - "Why does our fan-base skew so much older in Europe than the US? So random. Good 10-15 year age difference. #foodforthought".

Twitter response went into overdrive. Reading on, it was plain to see that The Sage as a venue holds the key and not the fans. The fans are fashioned by the dynamics of the venue that plays host. The band were awesome, and the audience appreciative. So to be slighted having paid for tickets, Hotel, travel etc to go see a band is a wet fish about the chops, and the professionalism of an act extends beyond the stage.

It angered the fans no end. Talk of having taken a dump in public, an unappreciative band, @jonmelly writes "This Twitter furore is the most exciting thing Grizzly Bear have ever done".

The band were clearly frustrated more than anything, inviting any audience to join them at Brewdog's craft beer emporium for a free beer. Now when did a band last invite you for a beer. There was a true hankering for connection that The Sage and inappropriate venues frustrate. But that's down to the act in choosing the venue. Grizzly say it wasn't their choice, so who's was it? Lessons for the Day - Choose thy venue with care, and tweet about your fans with discretion.


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