by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Beady Eye, Rolling Stones

Liam Gallagher plans another 30 years making music

Beady Eye star inspired by Rolling Stones


Liam Gallagher plans another 30 years making music


Beady Eye frontman Liam Gallagher has revealed plans to continue his music career into his seventies - inspired by his love for The Rolling Stones.

The former Oasis star plans another 30 years in music and believes he will still 'look cool' on stage when he is past pension age.

"The Stones are bad boys," Gallagher told The Daily Star on the red carpet for The Rolling Stones Crossfire Hurricane documentary premiere. "As long as you look cool, have a good pair of jeans and a good head of hair then crack on with it, man. That's what i'll do."

Gallagher joined The Rolling Stones on the red carpet for the premiere, along with former Stones bassist Bill Wyman, fuelling rumours that Wyman will join the band at their upcoming London shows.

The Rolling stones with good jeans and good heads of hair

If Gallagher plans on enjoying a long career in music, he will need to hope that his fans have more staying power at his live shows than the Beady Eye star does.

He reportedly walked out of a George Michael gig earlier this week after just 23 minutes.

"Liam didn’t seem particularly excited about the four chaps mincing along in front of him, trying to make eye contact and wink. He was stony-faced throughout," said a source to The Daily Mail. "Twice, George asked the crowd to ‘get on their feet’ early on. Liam didn’t play along.
"Then, at 8.38pm, when George asked again, Liam and Andy stood up and went to the bar.

"Just before the interval they were joined by the girls, who couldn’t understand why they’d left early. Whilst the girls went back for more afterwards, Liam and Andy decided to enjoy the music from the bar area."

Photos: Liam Gallagher on the red carpet with The Rolling Stones


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