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by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

Tulisa set to quit smoking after Gary Barlow's 'fag ash' insult

Star seen sporing nicotine patch on TV show


Tulisa set to quit smoking after Gary Barlow's 'fag ash' insult


Tulisa is making attempts to sort out her 'fag ash breath' after insults from Gary Barlow on Saturday night's X Factor show.

The N-Dubz star and X Factor judge was seen on Sunday night's X Factor results show sporting a nicotine replacement patch, showing that the young star had taken the insults seriously and was now hoping to quit her smoking habit.

A source told The Metro newspaper that Gary Barlow had made a grovelling apology to Tulisa after he insulted his talent show co-star on live TV over the weekend.

"Gary came to Tulisa’s dressing room after the show and sat for ages apologising to her. He knows he was out of line and hugely regretted saying that to her," said a source to the newspaper.

Another is said to have added: "Tulisa was really angry but eventually accepted his apology. Gary feels really, really bad about what he said. He was speaking without thinking... in the spur of moment and he didn’t mean it."

Gary and Tulisa clashed on the Halloween night on X Factor

Tulisa's smoking habits have previously landed her in trouble with the show's producers, who were said to have been angered by her lighting up in her dresing room backstage.

"She's smoking in her dressing room in the breaks and it's full of her chavvy pals drinking from the minibar," said a source to The Sun newspaper earlier this month.

"When they won't leave it means security staff are stuck there waiting to lock up."

Watch the clash between Gary and Tulisa below.

Photos: 'shocker'! Tulisa's not the only one who likes a smoke...

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