by Michael Baggs | Photos by / Splash

Tags: X Factor

X Factor fag ash 'shocker': Tulisa's not the only one with a bad habit

Tulisa isn't the only smoker on the TV talent show


X Factor fag ash 'shocker': Tulisa's not the only one with a bad habit

Photo: / Splash

The world was rocked this weekend when Gary Barlow slammed Tulisa for having 'fag-ash breath' during The X Factor.

Well, perhaps 'rocked' is too strong, maybe we should just leave it at 'mildly entertained for 30 seconds'. The N-Dubz singer is a smoker and Barlow (an ex-smoker himself) turned her habit against the young judge during Saturday night's live TV show.

But maybe it wasn't Tulisa who smelled of fag ash. Smoking isn't that uncommon, and Tulisa isn't the only one on the X Factor who chooses to smoke - contestants including James Arthur and Rylan Clark have been photographed puffing away very recently indeed. How controversial.

But when the main man of the show himself, Simon Cowell, is a confirmed smoker, it's really no surprise that the younger stars are also happy to indluge in the same habit.


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