by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Marilyn Manson

Halloween special: who are the 20 scariest people in music?

From Marilyn Manson to *shudder* Chris Brown


Halloween special: who are the 20 scariest people in music?

Photo: WENN

It's no secret that some musicians are scarier than others - Taylor Swift is positively angelic, for example, but Alice Cooper is a whole other story.

And when some musicians bite the head off live bats onstage, swallow cockroaches and dress up like clowns, it's some seriously scary stuff. 

With Halloween coming up, we give you a run down of the top 20 musicians that creep us out - and we're not just talking the dark, scary rockers in the music world here. The one thing Justin Bieber has in common with Slipknot is that both make us feel seriously uncomfortable.

From weird pop stars to legendary shock-rockers, check out the stars who put us on edge, and find out who places No.1, edging Marilyn Manson into second place. Let's hope we don't meet any of them in a dark alley this year...


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