by Michael Baggs | Photos by

BBC to ditch Jimmy Savile Top Of The Pops after sex shame

Broadcaster hoping to save music show reputation


BBC to ditch Jimmy Savile Top Of The Pops after sex shame


The BBC is to ensure any future repeats of Top Of The Pops do not include appearances from shamed broadcaster Savile by ditching archive episodes featuring the presenter.

As part of ongoing internal investigations, it has been announced the repeats of archive episodes will be scrapped. Jimmy Savile is currently under investigation on hundreds of sexual abuse charges, which have shamed the broadcaster.

Previous allegations revealed abuse took place on BBC premises with Status Quo members revealing that they had always been suspicious of Savile.

"We will no longer show Jimmy Savile presenting Top Of The Pops. We will assess carefully the editorial justification for any other Savile appearances," says a BBC spokesperson. "This decision was taken after allegations first came to light from the ITV documentary."

Furthermore, a BBC source has spoken to The Daily Mail of shock that the broadcaster continued to involve Savile in TOTP shows, long after rumours of paedophilia had first circulated.

"It’s unbelievable now that the powers-that-be continued to want him to be involved with a show which was aimed at a young audience. He was 79 by the last episode," said the source, shocked that Savile presented the show's last ever edition in 2006.

Status Quo performing on TOTP - the band recently revealed suspicions of Savile

The BBC are planning to broadcast a Christmas day special as planned, with hopes to salvage the show's reputation after being dragged through the mud during the recent scandal.

"It’s very unfortunate, but it would be disappointing if the disgusting behaviour of one man impacted on the reputation of a legendary show like TOTP," the source adds.


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