by Michael Baggs | Photos by Tara Savelo / Twitter / SPLASH

Tags: Lady Gaga

Photo: Lady Gaga goes topless on Halloween dressed as cannabis

'Princess High' forgets her blouse


Photo: Lady Gaga goes topless on Halloween dressed as cannabis

Photo: Tara Savelo / Twitter / SPLASH

Lady Gaga appeared to forget half of her Halloween costume this year, as she went out with her make-up artist, Tara Savelo.

The singer was snapped topless with her staff member on a night out, dressed as her favourite drug of choice, cannabis. However, this year cannabis was topless and wearing a hula skirt. See the photo below.

Tweeting about the night out, Gaga said: "So i was weed for halloween. BEST COSTUME EVER ITS SO FUN. Princess High the Cannabis Queen. Photos of party on shortly."

She then added: "And NO 'shortly' is not the new 'SOON.' *searches for camera USB in hotel robe with bad hair and hangover.* last night was paradise."

Gaga has spoken openly about her love for cannabis in the past, and caused controversy at a live show in Amsterdam when she smoked a spliff on stage.

Tara Savelo and Lady Gaga on Halloween

The Amsterdam incident began when a packet of cigarettes was thrown on stage - to which Gaga responded: "Cigarettes? No, no, no."

She was then passed the joint by a member of the audience. "Ah, thank you! Holland, is it real? Don't tease me..." she said.

"Oh, it's real," she added, before inhaling deeply and then muttering 'F*cking A'.

"For those of you who are wondering if I'm high right now, I'm not," she continued. "That is not nearly enough to get me high."

She later spoke openly to fans about her use of cannabis, saying: "I thought that in Holland it would be an appropriate place to discuss my current openness about being a cannabis smoker because I have decided that I want you to know the truth, which is that it has totally changed my life and that I've really cut down on drinking."

Photos: more controversial Lady Gaga moments than you can shake a bare breast at


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