by Grace Carroll

Tags: Seasfire

In Demand: Seasfire

Bristol band discuss dreamlike music and dismiss 'dubstep Coldplay' comparisons


In Demand: Seasfire


Seasfire are self-described as '4am melancholy, from the shadows of Bristol' and it's difficult to come up with something more fitting than that. With songs that manage to be both dizzying and sweeping soundscapes, they play the kind of music that you'd wake up with already playing in your head.

The Bristol based band knew each other from previous bands when they decided to get together - leaving them with a amalgamation of band names to choose from. With that in mind, says Josh, they chose Seasfire as "the best sort of thing - the nest name to represent our style of music that we wanted to create."

Now Seasfire are on the up and up, with a EP entitled We Will Wake to be released on 3 December and a handful of (sort of) celebrity fans - Radio 1 DJ Greg James, anyone? "He took time out to come and watch us," say the band, sounding maybe a little starstruck. "He's a really nice guy."

And the hype just doesn't stop building, with Radio 1 plays and a mention in the Guardian earlier this year as a new band of the day - even if it did go on to describe them as a 'dub step Coldplay'. "I'm not sure that's very accurate," lead singer Josh says dubiously, when asked about it. "I don't really see it."

The thing about Seasfire is how beautifully subtle they manage to be - it's not foot-stomping, ear-bleeding, 'sit up and pay attention to us' music, but rather the kind of songs that slide under your skin and play relentlessly in your dreams.

Dreams - and nightmares, for that matter - are a reoccurring theme on the record and something that seems to fit in well with Seasfire's entire aesthetic. They're a "cool subject," says Josh. "Everyone has dreams and everyone has nightmares, and it's the kind of thing everyone can relate to."

And - to use a tenuous segue - any ideas for a dream collaboration? "Either The Weeknd or Bon Iver," Josh says. "Or somebody completely outrageous like A$AP Rocky."

While a collaboration with A$AP isn't - sadly - currently on the cards, the band do have vague plans for next year. Keeping busy, for one, and gaining more fans - "Hopefully it will just progress. You know, play some more shows - maybe do an album in 2013."

We've already made a note to pick up We Will Wake. Promising to be ethereal, catchy and just the right side of hauntingly eerie, there's no doubt that this is going to be one to look out for.

Listen to single 'We Will Wake' from the EP of the same name below:


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