by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Robbie Williams, Rolling Stones

Too old for Radio One! Who joins Robbie on the irrelevant list?

The stars who no longer fit the R1 demographic


Too old for Radio One! Who joins Robbie on the irrelevant list?


Robbie Williams is currently basking in the glory of a No.1 single - but no thanks to Radio One. The leading pop station has declared that they will not play 'Candy' as they do not see Robbie as relevant to their listeners.

However, all is not lost - the single is being played on Radio Two - where Robbie now finds himself among a whole new group of musical peers. He's not in bad company, that's for sure, with rock legends and even another former Take That star on the playlist. But even so, none of these guys have been playtlisted by Radio One - so they're all on the 'irrelvant' list and can kiss goodbye to that all-important under-29 audience. Even if some of the names on the list are under 30 themselves.

So, while Robbie considers 'breaking the legs' of those at Radio One for banning 'Candy' (he was only joking), check out the other stars who have been passed over by Radio One - and found a new home on Radio Two...


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