by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Adele

Adele admits she would only diet if her sex life was suffering

If she loses weight, we know she's not getting any


Adele admits she would only diet if her sex life was suffering


New mum Adele claims she would only ever consider a diet if her health or sex life were affected by her weight.

The UK soul star been celebrated by many for refusing to bow to music industry stereotypes of how a woman should look, and reveals she has become immune to online comments about her weight.

The singer makes the claims in a new biography, in which she speaks openly about her weight and those who criticise her voluptuous figure.

"I read a comment on YouTube that I thought would upset me - 'Test pilot for pies' - but I've always been fine with it," she says. "I would only lose weight if it affected my health or sex life, which it doesn't."

Lady Gaga recently commented on Adele's size, pondering why her recent weight-gain was slammed by many but the critics were less savage to Adele.

Adele has achieved huge success - without conforming to stereotypes

Speaking to Stylist magazine earlier this month, Gaga spoke of Adele's size but also stressed her respect for Adele's confidence in promoting a fuller figure.

"I thought, well I don’t really care if they think I’m fat, because, quite honestly, I did gain about 30 pounds. Adele is bigger than me, how come nobody says anything about it?

"She’s so wonderful and I think her confidence is something I have to match. She has set the bar very high for a lot of women."

Photos: Lady Gaga hits back at her weight critics - with a series of bikini pics


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