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by Grace Carroll | Photos by MTV / YouTube

Viral hit explains why MTV don't play music videos any more

Fake MTV boss explains station's music policy


Viral hit explains why MTV don't play music videos any more Photo: MTV / YouTube

The latest viral video to make the internet rounds is an MTV parody, explaining why the music channel no longer plays, well... music videos.

Described in the YouTube comments by one user as "brutal, but couldn't be more correct about everything", the video is actually a short comedy sketch by YouTube duo Brian Firenzi and Maria Del Carmen.

Opening with a mid-twenties woman who asks, "Why don't MTV play music videos anymore, instead of vapid reality TV shows?" (which is a question I'm sure we've all been thinking), it then goes on to show the systematic destruction of her entire question by "MTV executive Michael Destiny."

'Destiny' begins by asking, "Are you f**king kidding me?" He goes on to say that while MTV did show music videos 'back in the day', the rise of piracy means that music videos are worthless unless used for product marketing - particularly as brands can now just "build an avid Twitter following for free!".

Brian Firenzi appearing as Head of Programming, Michael Destiny.

In a spectularly on-the-nose rant, "Destiny" continues by saying that YouTube has also rendered MTV irrelevant, as fans can just find all the music videos that they want online.

"Are you seriously not sick of your favourite artists yet?" "Destiny" asks rhetorically. "Do you have such a ladyboner for Mumford & Sons that you need to see them tumbling out of one more screen in your house?"

He ends by pinpointing the problem with the reality TV shows - "Destiny" finishes his speech by saying, "Oh, and to answer your question about why we only air horrible reality shows about vapid people? Because you watch that s**t and feel superior."

With almost half a million views and counting, it's clear that - while a parody - the video still manages to set the record straight.

Watch it for yourself below:

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