by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

Jahmene X Factor refuses to sing Katy Perry song about alcohol

Teetotal star causes chaos with show schedule


Jahmene X Factor refuses to sing Katy Perry song about alcohol


Teetotal X Factor finalist Jahmene Douglas has refused to perform a Katy Perry track on this week's show - because the song is about alcohol.

Clean-living Douglas, who wears a purity ring and is saving his virginity until he is married, is said to have rejected Perry's 'Last Friday Night' hit as the group song on Sunday night's show as he does not approve of the track's content.

"Bosses are desperately trying to find a new song for this weekend’s group ensemble after Jahmene’s refusal," reports The Sun newspaper.

"The six remaining acts were supposed to perform Last Friday Night but Jahmene has said no. The song is about partying and drinking and Jahmene is teetotal.

"He has made it clear from the start that he won’t sing songs about drinking and when he heard this track he was adamant he wouldn’t perform it.

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The newspaper also reports that Douglas is so opposed to drinking and partying that he has previously even refused to hold a glass of champagne during the judges houses stage of the show.

His clean-living ways seem to have won over audiences however, with leaked voting figures apparently showing that Jahmene is the only rival to series favourite Christopher Maloney to win the 2012 series.

Photos: Jahmene joins X Factor stars on the Skyfall Red Carpet


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