by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi's daughter to avoid charges after drug arrest

Charges dropped thanks to 'good Samaritan' law


Jon Bon Jovi's daughter to avoid charges after drug arrest


Stephanie Rose, the teenager daughter of rocker Bon Jovi, will not face charges over drugs found in her college dorm on Wednesday.

The 19-year-old is believed to have been found unresponsive in her dorm room in Kirkland, New York, early on Wednesday morning. A small bag of heroin, as well as marijauna and other paraphernalia, was reportedly found in her room.

But a New York law that 'specifically prohibits prosecution of people experiencing a drug overdose - as well as people who help them seek medical care' has led to the District Attorney to drop all charges.

The 'good Samaritan' drug law was passed just last year.

Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara told the Daily News: "People will say she got away with murder because of who she is, but this law was passed so people don't just watch somebody die because they're afraid of jail.

"And you don't want the person overdosing to say, 'No, don't call'.

"We're prohibited by law from prosecuting. We had no other choice but to dismiss the case."

Stephanie Rose had initailly been charged with misdemeanour possession of heroin, misdemeanour marijuana possession and criminally using drug paraphanelia. Ian Grant, the male friend who called 911, was charged on misdemeanour drug possession.

Bon Jovi on stage at Tiger Jam earlier this year

McNamara said that if a significant amount of heroin had been found, such as eight ounces or over, the pair would've been in trouble.

Father Jon Bon Jovi, who has struggled with drugs himself in the past, recently cut short his UK publicity tour to return to his family in New York after their $24m home was hot hard by hurrican Sandy, leaving them without power.

Photos: musicians and drugs - before and after


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