by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: susan boyle

Su's Anal Bum Party? 10 scenes we won't see in a Susan Boyle movie

From yorkshire pudding faces to motorway rants


Su's Anal Bum Party? 10 scenes we won't see in a Susan Boyle movie


Susan Boyle is set for the Hollywood treatement with a major studio set to turn th Scottish singer's life into a major movie - but we're guessing that we won't see this week's 'anal bum party' Twitter disaster appear in a film of her life.

The hashtag #susanalbumparty was spread widely on Twitter this week by fans celebrating the release of her new album Standing Ovation - before realising that it looks like a less than savoury invitation.

Subo has yet to comment on her dream guestlist for an anal bum party, but she has begun to ponder who will star in her new movie.

"My story will make a great film. We are in the middle of negotiations just now for a film about my life," she says after the announcment of movie plans. "There's only one person I'd love to play me and that's Julie Walters. She would do the job and you just know she would do my story justice."

But SuBo's life since finding fame isn't all Donny Osmond duets and Piers Morgan interviews - oh no! The singer has a secret rock and roll side, an occasional way with (explicit) words and hasn't escape a few unfortunate run-ins with fellow stars.

Check out the nine scenes we doubt we'll see in Susan Boyle: The Movie.


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