by Grace Carroll | Photos by WENN

Tags: Chris Brown

Chris Brown fans turn on Jenny Johnson after Twitter feud with singer

Team Breezy is tells comedienne to 'eat a d**k'


Chris Brown fans turn on Jenny Johnson after Twitter feud with singer

Photo: WENN

Comedy writer Jenny Johnson has shared with her Twitter followers some of her favourite insults received from Chris Brown's fans.

The fanbase, who call themselves Team Breezy, tweeted abuse at Johnson after she got into an argument with Brown over Twitter - who deleted his Twitter account following a vulgar tirade directed at Johnson.

Johnson wrote on Twitter a few hours later, "Best @ replies today: 1. Who dis bitch need hop off CB dix! 2. She b 50 old eat dic fuh. 3. Ima fux dis bitch n da err 4. Breeezy b up hoe.

She then added, "According to Team Breezy, if you have a difference of opinion with someone, "eating a dick" is the cure for any and all problems. #Knowledge."

This isn't the first time that Johnson had come under fire from Brown's fanbase.

Chris Brown, who has cultivated a devoted fanbase

Last week she wrote, "Chris Brown beats a woman up, calls people 'faggots' and wins Grammys. I write jokes about him and I'm racist? Wow."

Johnson then followed it up with, "Taking relationship advice from single people is like taking not-beating-the-shit-out-of-women advice from Chris Brown."

And earlier in November, she tweeted, "Chris Brown has been pretty quiet about the election, it's probably because he's a violent criminal and isn't allowed to vote."

Listen to Rihanna and Chris Brown's duet 'Nobody's Business' below.

Chris Brown: his most stomach churning and offensive moments


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