by Michael Baggs | Photos by Family Guy

Tags: Justin Bieber

Video: Justin Bieber punched and called 'acorn penis beauty' by fat man

Canadian star given an animated beating


Video: Justin Bieber punched and called 'acorn penis beauty' by fat man

Photo: Family Guy

Justin Bieber has been beaten up by an angry, overweight man who caught the star in a dressing room with his wife. But don't worry, it was in a scene on US cartoon, Family Guy.

Bieber cameos in a new episode of the hugely popular animation and is caught in his dressing room with Lois Griffin, who is seen urging the teen singer to take his pants off. Furious at Bieber, Griffin yells: "Step away from my wife you acorn penis beauty," as he confronts an animated version of the 'Boyfriend' superstar.

When Bieber tells Griffin to "relax, old man," Griffin gets angry, responding: "Old man? Why, you think you're not going to get old you little b*stard?" before punching Bieber repeatedly in the face.

Watch the video below.

Justin Bieber may be disliked by many, but he has recently been named by Slipknot star Corey Taylor as an artist he hopes to record a future duet with. The masked rocker revealed hopes to record together.

The revelation follows a fan's YouTube mash-up of Slipknot's 'Psychosocial' and Bieber's 'Baby' to create 'Psychosocial Baby'.

Slipknot's masked frontman has admitted he's actually quite a fan of Beiber and was eager for them to meet up when he discover their respective work committments meant they were close by.

"I was in Baltimore on my book tour and Justin was nearby in Washington D.C. I tried to get him down to my reading because I wanted to try to do an acoustic version of 'Psychosocial Baby' together.

"But he was actually visiting a children's hospital. You can't say anything bad about a guy who's visiting children's hospitals."

Below: music stars in cartoons and kids shows


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