by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Rihanna

Rihanna hits back at 777 guests who wanted non-stop party on plane

Star says she needed to use travel time to sleep


Rihanna hits back at 777 guests who wanted non-stop party on plane


Rihanna has hit back at criticism that she didn't spend enough time with guests on her 777 tour, saying that she spent the few precious hours she had on her tour jet asleep, resting between shows.

The singer's recent endeavour, performing seven gigs in seven countries in seven days, drew the ire of much of the music press who said she'd ignored them and left journalists to wallow in free booze.

The trip aboard a special 777 jet was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime, but in reality saw to assembled 150 journalists coming close to feral under the harsh conditions.

The singer's lack of contact with members of the press led to chants of 'Just one quote' and an Australian journo streaking the length of the plane, sealing the tour's place in history.

But speaking to Radio 1's Nick Grimshaw, the Diamonds singer tried to defend the events, saying she needed to catch up on sleep to be ready for the next performance.

"It was different to having to do your job but also have 200 guests come along with you," she said. "They all want you to host a party every time you get on the plane after a show but you really only have that time to sleep until you get to the next country.

"Sometimes it was a two-hour ride to the next country and that was all the sleep you would get."

But the comments seem at odds with what the star had promised when announcing the tour.

She had said that she wanted the tour to be a rock 'n' roll fantasy, announcing to the aircraft "buckle up and let's get drunk."

Rihanna performing at the London leg of her 777 tour

The singer added: "I knew I had seven countries and seven shows and I had to save my voice, I didn't go crazy.

"I didn't party too hard. I did have fun though. i tried to get everybody involved but sometimes you just wish you could do more."

Nick Grimshaw recently refused to play the singer's new record after she failed to show up for an interview.

But despite the criticism, the tour appears to have done its job, with Unapologetic debuting at number one in the UK this week.

Photos: Rihanna performs in her bra at London 777 show


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