by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

X-Men star Sir Ian McKellan backs gay X Factor Union J member

Actor admires singer's 'determination'


X-Men star Sir Ian McKellan backs gay X Factor Union J member


Sir Ian McKellan has spoken of his support for Union J boyband member Jaymi Hensley, after the X Factor finalist revealed he is gay.

The British actor, who is currently promoting new movie The Hobbit, has spoken of his admiration for the youngster's bravery in revealing his sexuality while under the spotlight, but adds that fans of the boyband won't care which way he swings.

"It takes a lot of determination to decide you’re going to do it," said the award-winning actor on ITV's Loose Women. "Jaymi can get on with his life and fans don’t give a toss."

By our reckoning, Gandalf The Grey is a big fan of X Factor, previously rumoured to have offered his support to Rylan Clark before his elimination from the show.

"Rylan went to the Attitude awards and was half expecting to just get more abuse," said a source to The Sun newspaper in mid October. "Everywhere he goes people give him stick but this was the complete opposite.

"Sir Ian McKellen of all people came up to him and said he was a huge fan and hoped he did well on the show.

"They swapped numbers and Rylan couldn’t believe his luck when Sir Ian said he’d be happy to offer him some advice."

Sir Ian McKellan is a not so secret fan of X Factor

Sir Ian McKellan has reunited with cast members from the Lord Of The Rings trilogy for the new movie prequel, The Hobbit - returning to work with Peter Jackson, Cate Blanchett and more.

He has also been announced as returning to the next X Men movie, reprising his role as metal-manipulating mutant Magneto in the X Men: Days Of Future Past movie. He returns to the superhero movie alongside original director Bryan Singer and fellow thespian, Patrick Stewart.

The actors from the original Marvel comics movies will play older versions of Magneto and Charles Xavier in a time-travelling storyline.

Below: gay confessions from music's biggest (and straight) stars


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