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Tags: Skrillex

Skrillex launches his own video game inspired by Legend of Zelda

Skrillex Quest is a glitchy 8-bit adventure


Skrillex launches his own video game inspired by Legend of Zelda


Dubstep producer Skrillex has lent his name and music to a new video game, entitled Skrillex Quest.

The game follows the same format as RPG classic The Legend Of Zelda. Players are transported to a fantasy world were they are given the responsibility of saving the Dead Princess Keys.

Music throughout the game comes courtesy of Skrillex, with the tracks' Scary Monstes And Nice Spirites' and 'Summit' featuring heavily.

Game creator Jason Oda wrote on Facebook: "Several months ago I was commissioned to make a game for Skrillex.

"It was a ton of work and a completely frustrating bullshit-fest along the way but I am so pleased to say that the game is finally, finally officially live!"

The game is an 8-bit inspired ode to role playing classics, with the visuals and soundtrack being full of glitchy, retro imagery.

"Skrillex's music sometimes sounds like a broken video game. It fit perfectly with my gltch idea, and I took inspiration from the few lyrics it does contain for content," Oda told Mashable.

"Remember blowing the dust out of your NES cartridges when they glitched? This game is all about that from the perspective of the people within the game."

The browser-based game features a Link-like hero called P1 who must explore a world that has been 'corrupted' by a 'speck of dust'.

Skrillex performing at Amsterdam's Heineken Music Hall

Oda has garnered a degree of internet fame by creating desktop friendly games for other bands, previously having worked on projects for Atreyu, Chemical Brothers and Fallout Boy.

This isn't the first attempt from Skrillex to digitally immortalise himself. He recently appeared as a cartoon DJ in the animated Disney film Wreck-it Ralph.

Below: the most ill-advised attempts at dubstep of all time

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