by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Jay-Z

Jay-Z rides the subway, explains who he is to an old woman

Video goes viral of star on New York underground


Jay-Z rides the subway, explains who he is to an old woman


Jay-Z might have won himself some unexpected respect after the release of a YouTube clip of him riding the subway to the last of this 8-show stint.

While celebrities' attempts to blend in with Joe Average traditionally do nothing more than highlight their fame and piss people off, this clip of Jay Z humbly explaining who he is to a kind old woman has been an internet success.

"Are you famous?" Ellen Grossman asks of the man sat next to her as a train load of people try to take his picture.

"Yes," Jay replies, "not very famous, you don't know me. But I'll get there some day."

The rapper goes on to explain the he makes music and is on his way to perform at the new Brooklyn Arena.

"Oh that's fabulous," Ellen replies.

She goes on to tell him that she's proud of him for getting the subway, before asking him to repeat his name, at which point she realises who Jay Z is with a laugh.

The clip is part of a 24-minute documentary called Where I'm From about Jay-Z's eight shows between September 28th and October 6th to open the new Brooklyn Barclays Centre.

While it must have been a pain to have Jay-Z and his colossal bodyguards in the rush hour scrum, his down to earth chat seems to have boosted his popularity with press and fans alike.

Perhaps the next time a politican thinks about 'popping in to Greggs' to seem connected with the people, they might think about using this as a guideline. And then not bother.

Below: the richest rappers in the world - who earns the most?


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