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Tags: The Wanted

The Wanted's Tom Parker breaks nose on video shoot

Singer suffers hairline fracture in fight scene


The Wanted's Tom Parker breaks nose on video shoot


While it might be an occupational hazard, what with mobs of screaming girls and everything else, The Wanted's Tom Parker will be less than happy after he broke his nose while shooting the group's new video.

He'll be feeling even more hard done by considering that his bandmates thought he was faking the injury until a doctor actually diagnosed him with a hairline fracture.

The boyband were filming a new video for their single 'I Found You', which involves the boys getting caught up in a brawl. But while they were filming the fight scene it all got a bit realistic and Parker took a knock to the face, leaving him in agony.

His bandmate Jay McGuiness told the Metro: "Tom took a bit of a hefty whack to the nose.

"We thought he was making it up but it turned out he got a hairline fracture. They couldn't do anything about it."

The Wanted perform live on the Jingle Ball tour

Last month McGuiness admitted that the band were nervous about the possible public backlash to them recording a track with Chris Brown.

The R&B singer, who is still widely criticised for his attack on Rihanna and his ongoing behavious on Twitter, expressed an interest in working with The Wanted and the band are due to record the collaboration before Christmas.

The Wanted's Max George has recently been linked with troubled Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan, and recently admitted he's probably not the best influence on her.

Photos: The Wanted are joined on stage by Misha B and Lucy Spraggan


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