by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

Carolynne Poole reveals Christopher Maloney called her a 'c***'

Singer verbally abused rival contestant on weekend


Carolynne Poole reveals Christopher Maloney called her a 'c***'


Christopher Maloney reportedly verbally abused fellow X Factor finalist Carolynne Poole during rehearsals on the weekend - and is now facing a £100k fine and losing his place on the X Factor tour due to his behaviour.

Maloney is said to have verbally abused fellow eliminee Carolynne Poole during rehearsals for the weekend's 'group performance' - which he eventually pulled out of.

Now, Maloney is facing a ban from the X Factor tour next year and could also be slapped with a huge fine for his behaviour.

"He came in and basically, because I didn’t say hi and kiss his a***, he called me a c***. Everyone heard it, even Jahmene, who was upset," says Poole in an interview with The Sun newspaper. "I said to him, ‘Did you just call me a c***?’. He denied it but I heard him."

"We were rehearsing the group song and he wouldn’t even stand next to me."

Carolynne Poole has accused Maloney of calling her a 'c***'

Maloney has claimed he was bullied during his time on the show, taking to Twitter to hit back at these claims.

'Thank u all so much for ur love help and support. thinking everyone wants a final dig. disgusting xx love u na nite xx' he Tweeted.

'Yes I am being bullied! big time. there u go xx withch hunt xx'

Watch the X Factor finalists (including Poole) perform together on the X Factor final below


Below: is it time for X Factor to come to an end?


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