by Ashley Clements | Photos by

Tags: X Factor

The Chris Maloney files: an X Factor series worth of gossip

The wannabe star that everyone loved to hate


The Chris Maloney files: an X Factor series worth of gossip


Christopher Maloney has had some truly shocking moments during his time on The X Factor 2012. It all started so well, overcoming crippling nerves to impress the audience at the live auditions earlier in the year and even bringing his Nan onstage to further pull at our heartstrings.

Since then, Maloney seems to have turned everyone against him with several stories coming from the other contestants on the show that he is actually a pretty nasty piece of work.

Swearing at contestants, refusing to perform and missing mentor sessions have made him a figure of public ridicule. Even with such behaviour, Maloney was the most voted for contestant for seven straight weeks. Just who was voting for him?

Oh well, here are Maloney's ten worst moments on The X Factor 2012. Now, let's never speak of him again. 


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