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Tags: Britney Spears, Adele

Who is the richest woman in music in 2012?

Forbes list reveals the biggest female earners - find out which ladies are rolling in the dosh


Who is the richest woman in music in 2012?


After a year of non-stop touring, Madonna has earned a paltry $30million over the past 12 months. With earnings like that, it makes you wonder why she bothers!

We jest. Obviously. Madonna is just one of the hugely successful and wealthy women who have made the annual Forbes list of the wealthiest women in the world and, while her earnings are substantial, she is a long way from being the highest earning woman in music in the past year.

The list is packed with worldwide superstars, and their income comes from far more than just their music offerings. Advertising deals, reality TV judging roles and of course those all important celebrity perfumes can boost any career - even if some of these artists haven't had a substantial hit in years.

Check out the biggest earning women in music 2012 right here.


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