by Adam Tait | Photos by

Tags: Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson has ear re-attached after being hit with glass table

Photo: see the damage after violent brawl


Marilyn Manson has ear re-attached after being hit with glass table


Marilyn Manson has taken to Twitter to share a picture of his re-attached ear, which required 24 stitches. See the photo below.

The goth rocker apparently got involved in a fight in Switzerland during which he was hit with a glass table, but still claims he won the brawl.

The singer didn't reveal the full details of the scrap but tweeted: "I was hit by a glass table in a dangerous fight. I was however, the victor but had to have 24 stitches to keep my ear from becoming Van Goth."

Marilyn Manson released his eighth studio album, Born Villan, in November this year.

He also recently claimed that despite his reputation, he's fairly conservative in the bedroom, saying he's 'not some kind of sexual deviant'.

See Manson's damaged ear below.

Manson feared becoming a 'Van Goth' after ear damage (Marilyn Manson / Twitter)

In September the singer recieved a bizarre letter from convicted murderer and cult leader Charles Manson, apparently as a response to the fact that the musician took his last name from the killer.

The letter is largely abstract and difficult to underswtand, with the prisoner making references to a non-profit organisation he's started, dump trucks and ghost dancers.

"Beyond good and bad, right, wrong. What you don't do is what I will do - what you did a sing-along, and let it roll and said how you saved me a lot of steps - I don't need, it's not a need or a want," he writes.

"Ghost dancers slay together and you're just in my grave Sunstroker Corona-coronas-coronae - you seen me from under with it all standing on me. That's 2 dump trucks - doing the same as CMF 000007. Charles Manson."

Marilyn Manson took the first half of his name from actress Marilyn Monroe and his surname from Charles Manson, and it is apparently their shared last name that was the reason for the letter.

Marilyn Manson performs in Germany earlier this year



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